The painting

Im not sure if i posted earlier about my photo being my school calendar's front cover.. XD YES its a FRONT COVER!! X) n ive got some shots in the calendar as well..its a limited edition of JIS calendar and only sold in JIS =) hehe its a big thing for me...u dont get ur work shown in a front cover of a calendar everyday... XD and the shots of the second book is the book i got when i won the competition, yup im in that book ^^ with my pictures and biodata...i got interested in photography right after this art competition ..funny thing XD and that green book....i wont tell what it is :P hehe
Cool you got the front cover of the JIS Calender. I'm surely gonna buy it now. Btw, I wanna ask you something. What software do you use to edit your pictures?
thanx =) u better get it soon,its limited ^^ i always use adobe photoshop CS2 its da BOMB lol X) i can c that u edit ur shots as well, if u want better tone n color, use curve it will enhance ur shot =)
Ur welcome, Anyway I'll get it on Monday. Btw, I'm a cheat. I use Picasa to edit them. I'm still learning how to use Photoshop(not very good a it yet). Yea and erm..what do u mean by use curve. I don't get it.
i can teach u if u want... its easy^^ curve is a tool, very useful for photographers
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