"The sinking of the sun" "Beach biking" "walking away leaving tracks" "The four siblings" "Sipping the sea breeze" "The burning set" "enjoying the sunset" Here are some of my fav sunset shots =) captured by my old baby,Nikon E5700
-Dk. Siti Munirah Pg Hj Damit
-19 years old
-currently studying in keele university
-interested in art, design and photography
-started photography in dec 2006(it was just a random shooting and the shots turned out artistic n it got me interested in photography)
-equipped with Nikon D80, a standard lens, a tripod and a pair of eyes
-every pictures are edited with photoshop CS3
-some of my shots r published in a calendar and school mags
-received a best student entry award in a national photography competition 2008 in conjunction with HM's bday
-none of my shots could be used without any permission, any pictures taken without permission would be used against you
-email me at ev_69_bee@hotmail.com or mumu69@live.com for further queries
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