I just got back from Rome and Venice =) and will be uploading my photos, as soon as i filter them. (hopefully very soon). here's a few shots directly from my camera, sorry for the dirty lens =(
-Dk. Siti Munirah Pg Hj Damit
-19 years old
-currently studying in keele university
-interested in art, design and photography
-started photography in dec 2006(it was just a random shooting and the shots turned out artistic n it got me interested in photography)
-equipped with Nikon D80, a standard lens, a tripod and a pair of eyes
-every pictures are edited with photoshop CS3
-some of my shots r published in a calendar and school mags
-received a best student entry award in a national photography competition 2008 in conjunction with HM's bday
-none of my shots could be used without any permission, any pictures taken without permission would be used against you
-email me at ev_69_bee@hotmail.com or mumu69@live.com for further queries